This is not my favorite part but some of these things need to be said. The whole idea behind MOTO-CHARLIE is to keep it simple. To that end I will try and keep this section as brief as possible.


The only money paid to me directly is the Moto-Charlie Fee.  Tour members pay all other tour costs directly to the travel vendors.

  • Max 7 Bikes Per Tour
  • Rider – $80/day
  • Passenger – $60/day (a couple is $80 + $60 = $140)
  • Orientation Day – 1/2 of the daily Rider rate for the single Orientation day
  • Prior tour members – 10% discount on the MC Rider and Passenger rates above
  • Customized Tour (Exclusive Group) – Based on the number of people and the complexity of the arrangements – See the “Tour Details.” Section
  • Partial Tour Participation – Occasionally people know at the time of booking that they will be unable to remain with the tour for the entire time. The fee for participants on partial tour is $100 per day for a Single rider and $80 per day for the passenger. In the event that the tour is sold out booking preference will be given to those tour members booking the entire tour. Alternately, a partial tour member may secure a definite spot on the tour by paying the entire MC fee. For example, if a tour member signs up for a 7-day tour but only wants to tour for four days, a definite spot on the tour can be secured by paying for the full 7-day MC fee. In the case of full payment all other daily expenses for the tour will be payable only for those days on tour. In the example above all other non-MC fee expenses would equate to four days. Partial tour participation will be at the discretion of MC.


A deposit of $250 per rider, or $200 per passenger, is required at the time a reservation is booked to go on a tour.

The deposit is used to hold your place on the tourMost riders like to book well in advance and even those who ask to be wait-listed generally book make alternate plans if I have no space – so they are no longer available to fill the space if a tour member cancels.  That means I lose the fee. Therefore the deposits are non-refundable.

Payment of the tour deposit constitutes an acknowledgement by the tour member that you have read and agreed to the terms outlined on this webpage and to the information included in my “Riding With Moto-Charlie” missive included with the sign-up package you receive to register for the tour.

The balance of the Tour fee for my services is due 30 days before the tour begins. This balance is due and non-refundable in the event of a cancellation 30 days or less from the tour date. At that point I will have to deal with hotel cancellation fees. It is also unlikely that I will be able to replace the cancelled tour slot with a new Tour Member in the short time remaining before the start of the tour.


The fee paid to MC is compensation for MC to make all vehicle reservations (if requested), all hotel reservations and to provide guidance daily as to which route may be most suitable to the tour participants on an individual or group basis. Charlie Newdorf (aka Moto-Charlie) will participate on every tour and will ride a route of his choosing each day. Tour participants are welcome to ride with him or decide on a daily route of their own.


The fee does not pay for any actual travel costs incurred by the tour participant. An estimate of the hotel, meals, and incidental costs is provided in the “Touring Info.” section. The tour participant is responsible for paying all of his or her own transportation costs to the meeting point, however they choose to get there. The tour participant is responsible for paying directly to the vendor all vehicle rentals and hotel reservations made on their behalf by MC as well as meal costs and incidental travel expenses incurred during the tour. MC assumes no liability for any expenses incurred by the tour participants. The tour participant is responsible for all medical and travel insurance as well as the insurance deposit paid at the time of the motorcycle rental. The tour participant is responsible for any damage incurred to the vehicle by the tour participant not covered by insurance.


Motorcycle riding is an inherently risky activity. Accidents, injury and damage do occur from time to time while on tour. MC does not assume any responsibility for bodily injury, for damage, or loss of personal items.

MC recommends that tour participants review their personal insurance coverage. Tour participants are urged to supplement their personal coverage with the purchase of travel insurance, which covers such items as bodily injury; damage; theft of luggage, motorcycle gear and personal items and trip cancellation.

Insurance coverage for the motorcycle is part of the rental price. MC will do its best to assist the tour participant in the repair or replacement of their motorcycle should it be damaged during the tour. However the motorcycle rental is a contract between the tour participant and the rental shop and MC is not obligated to replace a damaged motorcycle.


Any rider who fails to obey local traffic laws or who behaves or drives in a manner that endangers other members of the tour may be excluded from riding with the tour at the sole discretion of MC. There will be no refund of any fees paid to MC as a result of such exclusion.

The rider also agrees to pay for any speeding ticket, traffic fine, parking violation, etc. incurred by you while you are the renter of record for the motorcycle, car, etc. Theses types of penalties are registered to the license plate on the vehicle and then sent to the motorcycle rental shop, car rental company, etc. The rental shop shop will then notify you of any infraction incurred during your rental period and you will be responsible for paying for said infraction.


Most hotels have a limited number of single rooms available based on a first-come first served basis. Every effort will be made to provide single rooms to those participants who request them. However, there is no guarantee of single room availability. If single rooms are not available MC will attempt to book a double room at a reduced rate for single use.

As noted above Tour Members pay all tour costs directly to the travel vendors. Tour members acknowledge that they are responsible for all hotel charges for rooms reserved in their name, whether they arrive or not, unless their non-arrival is specifically arranged for in advance. In the event that MC elects to pay, at his sole discretion, for no-show fees on behalf of a Tour Member (either to cover a guarantee to the hotel or to ensure that subsequent night’s reservations for the no-show Tour Member are honored by the hotel), the Tour Member agrees unconditionally to reimburse MC for such payments made by MC on their behalf prior to the conclusion of the tour.


Any pictures or videos taken by me while on tour, including pictures of tour members taken in good taste while participating in the tour, are free for me to use on my website or in any form of advertisement as I see fit.  The same is true for any photos, pictures or videos sent to me by tour members.

If a tour member specifically wants me to refrain from using their photo, video or likeness for my website or advertisement purposes he/she must notify me in writing prior to the start of the tour at the same time they remit their final Moto-Charlie fee balance.


MC reserves the right to cancel the tour if there are less people signed up than the minimum required per tour as shown at each tour description web page. Historically I have conducted the tours whether there was 1 person or 9 people.

Unfortunately, there are times when people cancel, motorcycle and hotel deposits are charged, and it becomes economically unfeasible to execute the tour. If there are less than the minimum number of participants required we will take it on a case-by-case basis.


I welcome copious questions about my tours and have voluminous e-mails to prove it. I will do my utmost to discuss the tour details, riding skills required, and tour philosophy with the tour participant and use the advantage of the small group concept to fashion the tour to the participant’s expectations as much as possible. However, I reserve the right to accept, decline or retain any participant on the tour.

I  also reserve the right to alter the itinerary at any time at my discretion, and to alter the date of departure. I may withdraw the tour as deemed necessary at any time, for any reason. In such instance I will refund the full amount of the deposit which will constitute full settlement of my responsibility to the tour participant(s).